My Story
Marta Napoleone Mazzoni
Marta Napoleone Mazzoni is an experienced solo traveler and curious creature on a path of exploring the world and herself. In 2004, after a heartbreak and complete loss of identity, Marta stepped alone into the unknown to find herself again. She faced her fear of flying by boarding a plane and disappearing for a month in Sicily, Italy to work on a tomb excavation. That experience led Marta on many solo adventures and a beginning of internal discovery.
Her solo trips included helping restore a 10th century castle in France, sailing off the coast of Ischia to record whale and dolphin migration and preservation, restoring homes for the impoverished in Portugal, nurturing endangered sea turtles to rebound their population off the coast of Costa Rica. Marta is a best selling author and host of the award-winning podcast Marta on the Move. Created in 2015, the show shines light on her own journey and other people’s stories on what makes us human.
After the loss of her sister Nina to lymphoma at the age of 47 in 2021, Marta added what truly brings her joy to her offerings: holding a safe and inclusive space for others to heal the unresolved pain of their grief as an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist.
She continues to be an educator and public speaker on normalizing grief. Marta is also an intuitive life coach offering bringing a unique perspective and accountability to help people shift their habits and patterns and access their intuitive authentic self. She is also a meditation and yoga instructor.
Her work focuses on building core strength, finding clarity, gratitude, stillness, and contentment through breath work mindful awareness. Marta brings her background in theater and improv to her play and creativity workshops. She hosts these for schools, events, and businesses and allows participants to rediscover their own creativity, and confidence by forging meaningful connections with themselves and others in a disconnected world.
Still a world traveler at heart, Marta believes one of the ultimate ways to heal is found by leaving your daily routine and home to explore the world and “cut the cord of comfort,” as she does on her once-in-a-lifetime adventures offered through her Marta On The Move Experiences. These feature intimate sailing holidays, retreats, and workshops in her hometown of Pittsburgh and abroad.