# 69 The Scarehouse- A Conversation with Creator Scott Simmons

The Scarehouse-A Conversation With Creator Scott Simmons

When something gets national press year, after year, it calls your attention.  When something gets national press, AND it is in your own backyard, it should make you want to investigate it, and find out what makes it so unique.  This is one of the many, many reasons, I wanted to bring Scott Simmons onto my show.  Scott created Scarehouse over 20 years ago, and it continues to be one of the most entertaining, creative, breakthrough haunted houses in the country.  It has been featured by CBS News, ABC News, Forbes Magazine, and the best (in my opinion) Geek and Sundry!

I had a feeling in the back of my mind that Scott and I would get along, and have an awesome conversation.  I had been following his hilarious posts on Twitter and Facebook, little did I know I would forget that I was recording an episode, and truly just felt like we were hanging out chatting about our favorite things.  Podcast goals and podcast gold, people!

I also wanted to talk with him about the infamous Basement at Scarehouse, and see exactly what it was all about. It has a lot of hype surrounding it, and a lot of questions that I felt needed answered.  Scott was all to willing to share details!  I cannot wait for this year’s Scarehouse, it is sure to be just as incredible as the last!  Be sure to go check it out, it only runs until October 30th!

We are giving away TWO free RIP tickets to Scarehouse! (an $80 value)   Jump to the front of the line!  How to Enter-

Facebook- Like, and tag 2 friends in the comments section and Marta On The Move FB page!

Instagram- Follow and Like, and tag two friends in the comments section

Twitter- Retweet and Follow the Scarehouse post of Marta On The Move!

You can be entered up to 3 times!  Winner drawn the following week!

ALSO, if you missed the episode with Scott and Jeffery Carpenter chatting about their creation of Enter The Imaginarium be sure to tune in!

Keep a look out for the 2nd annual True Spooky Stories of Pgh episode with my good friend John Schalcosky! Always a great time. If you missed our 1st annual one, check it out here! Or tune into the episode with House Of The Dead with Geoff Camphire, Tom Savini, or psychic Leslie Gray!

This episode is sponsored by Pittsburgh Winery! Always a great date night in the city, one of the most unique venues for music, and great wines.  Check it out!




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