#70 TRUE Spooky Stories of Pittsburgh- Part II


Welcome to the second annual pajama party podcast where we reveal scary, mysterious, and mystical true stories of Pittsburgh!  Gotta love Halloween, and this is a great way for you to celebrate the season.   Remember the old radios shows?  The Shadow?  Well, my great friend John from The Odd, Fascinating, and Mysterious History of Pittsburgh, and I LOVE to try and recreate those times when folks listened to the radio, in the dark, scared out of their minds, and letting their imaginations run wild!  That… is truly the scariest part about it.

Join us for what will be the second year we have done this, and every year it gets better and better.  Eventually we will be taking submissions of short stories, poems, or skits to be read on my show.  We will do our very best to make them sound amazing.  In the meantime, enjoy hearing more spooky stories of Pittsburgh.  AND if, god forbid, you missed last year’s episode, here it is!  Also be sure to check out all the other podcasts that lead up to Halloween! I have chatted with Zombie Special Effects Master- Tom Savini, chilled out with owners of House Of The Dead, talked “Stranger Things” with star David Harbour , have delved in the obscurities of  Trundle Manor, tried to escape Enter The Imaginarium, and recently went behind the scenes of The Scarehouse and the basement!  So tune in if the mood takes you.

We talk a lot about ghosts in this episode, have you ever had an encounter you can’t explain?  Please post in the comments below!

This episode is sponsored by Full Pint Brewery! Locally brewed, and downright delicious.  Check out their line of beers in your local store, or take a walk on the wild side and stop down to The Pub!

Like what you hear?  Please take a moment to rate and review Marta On The Move on ITunes!  Follow along on Twitter and Instagram, and subscribe to the newsletter for unpublished content, and news!

Congrats to Facebook follower Neal Scott for winning the Night of The Living Dead N’at Ticket at Bricolage! 

A big thank you to Phil Mazzoni for snapping pics, and for the guests for contributing to the sound effects! Especially Stephanie Strasburg’s creepy baby cry…  haha!


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