#38 House of the Dead Co-Owner Chuck Cramer and Author Geoff Camphire

House of the Dead in Pittsburgh’s Lawrenceville is a cult fans ultimate destination for all things zombie.  Owned by friends Chuck Cramer and Stu Neft (aka Disco Stu), this is the place to stop into if you are a zombie fan.  I love zombie movies (Return of the Living Dead being one of my favorites), so chatting with a local zombie book author and one of the owners of HOTD seemed the perfect lead up to Zombie Fest in Pittsburgh and Halloween!

Pittsburgh is one of, if not THE zombie capital of the world.  Starting with George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead , it sparked other movies that lead to cult classics like Dawn of the Dead, which in my opinion lead to a more mainstream audience, ever hear of a little show called The Walking Dead?  Pittsburgh is the grounds that bred two of the men responsible for leading us up to where we are today.  Friend’s Tom Savini and George Romero together shaped future movies to come. (Which you can all find in HOTD!) Join me on this episode as we talk about all things zombie, and delve into the inspiration for local author Geoff Camphire’s book series- CHARLIE DEAD, a new twist for a young adult zombie book. Check out his works on his website!  Don’t forget to swing by House of the Dead to pick up your favorite clothes, games, books, and everything else you can think of zombie related!

If you crave more gore and history.  Tune into the episode I recorded with special effect’s master, Tom Savini

Also check out my friend Jon Towers from Stigmata Studios he can take your likeness and draw you into a zombie!  He did this one of me for free!  My mom is so not going to like it, but I think it is freaking awesome!!!  If you want your own, head over and check out his website!marta

Don’t forget Pittsburgh ZOMBIE FEST this year Oct 17th 12-8pm on the Andy Warhol Bridge.


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 Episode is brought to you by Sipes and Son General Contractors

Sipes & Son General Contractors is a boutique renovation firm located in Pittsburgh’s East End. Specializing in residential and commercial renovations located within the city of Pittsburgh, our clients receive professional and personalized project management from start to finish. Whether for your home, restaurant, or other commercial space, we problem solve to make our clients’ renovation dreams a reality. Our projects range from basic home repairs to structural work to large scale renovations and beyond. We are also known throughout the city for our unique projects, such as shipping container conversions, making forty foot steel containers into unique living space as either add-ons to existing homes or as stand alone units. We embrace new building technology and were Pittsburgh’s first certified and accredited green roofers, installing numerous rooftop gardens throughout the city since 2007. Ask us what a roof garden can do for your building and how we can maximize the environmental benefits for your site. Please visit www.sipesandson.com for more information.




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